Horny Friends

Horny Hentai Videos
Double Bondage
Double Bondage
Campus Slut
Campus Slut
3D FF Broken Heart
3D FF Broken Heart
Fuck Her Gently
Fuck Her Gently

Horny Buddies

Extreme Porn

Red Light Center

Let's Sell Pizza Walkthrough

Fast trip "Quickie"
search magazines on table, until money appears (about 30 seconds)
Grab the cash

Long trip (6 hours, give or take-"chinese food" )
stage 1- find Phone
open cabinet left side, grab tool
move rug on right side, grab key
computer desk, use key, get phone number
phone, use phone number to call cell phone
use tool on cushions, grab phone.

Stage 2- find toys
bear on stairs
race car on left shelf
clown on table
duck under desk
horse on right side
doll on couch
(there may be a secret, you can also grab mouse from computer table)

Stage 3- fix electricity
watch girl stress over boobs
open cabinet, left side, get tool box
move cushion on right side couch, get tool box key
move blue books lower left shelf, get fuse
open tool box with key
get gloves and wrench
use wrench on power box
use fuse/gloves on bad fuse
click on lamp, turn on (white switch)
tell girl electricity is on

Stage 4 waiting-
eat pizza, shoo away dog, grab gloves, play with gloves

Stage 5 shampoo
surprise girl in bathroom
get yellow note off left dresser
move pink picture, get note
get horse
computer desk, get scissors
use scissors on horse, get key
move horse picture, use key on safe
get credit card
get magazine ad from table
click on monitor
click on two notes for passwords
click on internet, then shampoo ad
click on credit card
get package, go upstairs

Stage 6- relaxing
click on monitor, click on spy cam to see tequila
bear is facing couch, click blue desk wall in front of bear
grab bear
go upstairs, place bear on counter
look at monitor, and spy
open left cabinet, get bottle of water
click on purse to uncover ice maker
grab glass from table
click on icemaker, then bottle water to make ice
grab ice cube
pour tequila in glass
add ice cubes
click on lamp, then lampshade to get light bulb
go upstairs, put drink on counter

watch video
upstairs light will burn out
click to advance
If you don't have both gloves and lightbulb, off you go to see your boss, otherwise, you join her in the shower.


3D Fuck House

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